
AgriDataValue is designed and structured to significantly contribute to the overall EU agricultural development. Targeting the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) implementation, the project will drive developments in Precision Farming and Agri-Environmental monitoring and strengthen the Agricultural Digital Transformation at European Level. AgriDataValue has conducted a research regarding the European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) for the period 2023-2027. The key points of the new CAP are presented in the following report.

The European Union’s CAP has long been a cornerstone of agricultural support and development. As we enter a new phase, the CAP 2023-2027 brings forth transformative changes aimed at ensuring a more sustainable, resilient, and innovative agricultural sector. With a heightened focus on environmental protection, climate action, and enhanced support for rural development, the new CAP represents a significant step forward in shaping the future of European agriculture.

1.            Embracing Sustainability

Sustainability lies at the heart of the new CAP, reflecting the EU’s commitment to address environmental challenges and promote biodiversity conservation. The CAP 2023-2027 aims to promote sustainable farming practices that minimize the impact on natural resources. Farmers will be encouraged to adopt agroecological approaches, reduce chemical inputs, and embrace conservation practices to preserve soil health and protect water resources.

2.            Enhancing Climate Resilience

Climate change poses unprecedented challenges to agriculture, with extreme weather events becoming more frequent and unpredictable. The new CAP places a strong emphasis on climate resilience, offering support to farmers to adapt and mitigate climate risks. Funding opportunities will be available to invest in climate-smart technologies, such as precision farming, renewable energy solutions, and carbon sequestration practices, which contribute to climate change mitigation and sustainable land management.

3.            Supporting Young Farmers and Innovation

Nurturing the next generation of farmers is vital for the continuity of the agricultural sector. The CAP 2023-2027 introduces specific measures to support young farmers, facilitating their entry into agriculture and ensuring a vibrant rural future. Moreover, the new CAP encourages innovation and digitalization in agriculture by providing funding for research and the adoption of advanced technologies. This promotes a more competitive and efficient agricultural sector, capable of meeting evolving consumer demands and global challenges.

4.            Strengthening Rural Development

Rural communities are the backbone of agriculture, and the new CAP seeks to strengthen their economic and social fabric. Funding will be channeled into initiatives that enhance rural infrastructures, improve access to education and healthcare, and promote local entrepreneurship. The CAP 2023-2027 will also encourage diversification in rural economies, fostering sustainable tourism, renewable energy projects, and non-agricultural activities to create more resilient rural communities.

5.            Simplification and Fairness

Recognizing the complexities of the previous CAP, the new iteration aims to simplify procedures and streamline funding mechanisms. By reducing administrative burdens and enhancing transparency, the CAP 2023-2027 intends to ensure a fair distribution of support among farmers and stakeholders. Direct payments will be more targeted, focusing on environmental and social outcomes, rewarding sustainable practices and active farmers.


The Common Agricultural Policy 2023-2027 heralds a new era of sustainability, resilience, and inclusivity for European agriculture. With its strong commitment to environmental protection, climate action, and rural development, the CAP empowers farmers to become stewards of the land and champions of biodiversity. By embracing innovation, nurturing young farmers, and promoting sustainable practices, Europe’s agricultural sector is poised to lead the way in meeting the challenges of the 21st century. As the CAP 2023-2027 unfolds, it lays the foundation for a greener and more prosperous future for European agriculture.