Use Case Cluster #1 - Arable Crops

Optimize the quality and quantity of the crop production and increase the environmental sustainability. Reduce the wasted irrigation water, fertilizers, pesticides, energy. Involve different technologies and data platforms such as IoT sensors, edge cloud, drones/satellite visual/multispectral images and AI models.

The use cases of Cluster 1 for arable crops are:

  • UC 1.1: Reduce Wasted irrigation water: Increase production while reduce wasted water and improving the automation of the irrigation zones through interoperable remote-control systems and robust management.
  • UC 1.2: Reduce Fertilizers: Analysis of soil temperature, moisture, salinity and optimization of irrigation will lead to reduction in water deep infiltration, thus fertilizers’ reduction, aquifer protection and cost reduction
  • UC 1.3: Reduce Pesticides: Analysis of usage tactics and disease prediction based on yield growth, temperature, wind volume, rain/humidity and heating/cooling degree days to utilize pesticides only when needed
  • UC 1.4: Reduce consumed energy: Modernize/automate the irrigation system to be able to start/stop irrigation remotely, as well as implementing alternative renewable and clean energy sources to reduce the crop cost