George Kokkinos, President of NILEAS was a speaker at the 10th Panhellenic Congress for the Development of Greek Agriculture focused on “What CAP do we want for Greece and the EU? The big challenges facing agriculture now and, in the future”, organized by GAIA EPICHEIREIN. The Congress occurred on 25-26 April 2024 at the Kalamata Dance Megaron.

Mr. Kokkinos participated in the Thematic Workshop “Policies and best practices for a sustainable and resilient olive oil & table olives sector: innovation, cooperation, market performance”. During his speech under the title “Searching for the hidden treasure in the olive groves of western Messinia”, he talked about NILEAS’ history of 22 years in olive oil production with care for the environment, quality and culture. He presented the AgriDataValue project that focuses on smart farming.