An online discussion was held on Thursday, 4h of July 2024, between the Horizon Europe projects AgriDataValueScaleAgData and CrackSense to explore new avenues for collaboration. The purpose of the meeting was to analyse opportunities for future cooperation and to examine potential synergies in dissemination and communication efforts. During the meeting, participants showcased their projects and discussed recent advancements. Among the participants of the meeting there were also the representatives of the National Paying Agency (Lithuania), which is one of the 30 consortium partners of the AgriDataValue project under the coordination of Synelixis Solutions S.A., Greece.

The connecting link of three projects, AgriDataValue, CrackSense and ScaleAgData, is that all of them are being implemented under the same Horizon Europe programme call: HORIZON-CL6-2022-GOVERNANCE-01 (Innovative governance, environmental observations and digital solutions in support of the Green Deal), which means that the above mentioned projects are targeting similar goals and objectives. Therefore joining efforts and sharing data as well as results of respective activities would be an added value for all three projects.

The main idea of the Horizon Europe project AgriDataValue is to establish itself as the “Game Changer” in Smart Farming digital transformation and agri-environmental monitoring, and strengthen the smart-farming capacities, competitiveness and fair income by introducing an innovative, open source, intelligent, multi-technology  and fully distributed Agri-Environment Data Space (ADS). More info about the project you can find here: AgriDataValue

The main idea of the Horizon Europe project ScaleAgData is to develop the data technology (data streaming, data analytics, AI) needed to scale data collected at the farm level to regional datasets built for agri-environmental monitoring and the management of agricultural production. More info about the project you can find here: ScaleAgData

The main idea of the Horizon Europe project CrackSense: to ensure high throughput real-time monitoring and implementing in practice the prediction of fruit cracking by utilising and upscaling sensing and digital data technologies. More information about the project you can find here:

The collective goal of the initiative is to boost the visibility of data-driven agriculture and evaluate the potential benefits of data sharing. The representatives of the above three projects discussed options of mutual communication and agreed upon further joint actions.